What A Home Security System Should Include

Choosing a home security system is one of the most critical decisions you can make regarding your family’s safety. Yet it’s very hard to tell whether a system will work until you need it. The following questions will help you ensure that your home security system performs as promised when lives depend on it.

8 Questions You Should Ask

1. Has the company been certified by any national providers of security equipment or other third parties to ensure the quality of its services?

  • Unfortunately, some disreputable firms will sell home security systems only to get home owners to sign a contract for monthly payments and then fail to provide services. Do your homework to ensure that the company you choose has a track record of quality service in your area before signing any contract.

2. Can the company give you the names of satisfied homeowners as references?

  • A reputable company will be willing to share examples of successful local projects and may even provide references so you can confirm that they’re a reliable company before moving forward with a security system.

3. Did the representative do a thorough evaluation of your security needs before making a recommendation?

  • A reliable security system begins with a thorough home security evaluation. If a company representative starts selling a system before evaluating your individual needs, move on to the next company.

4. Can the representative explain in detail how the system works?

  • Ask specific technical questions about your system, including how various components work, what happens if they break down, what options are available, and how to operate them. If your representative can’t answer your questions, that’s a red flag.

5. What is the performance record of the central monitoring service?

  • Ask the representative to verify the performance record of the central monitoring service covering their alarms. Does the service respond within 20 seconds? Can the company provide any verification of that time?

6. Does the company service its equipment?

  • As the representative what happens in case of an equipment failure. Will you have to wait for a replacement? Does the company have technicians on staff who can troubleshoot and repair faulty devices?

7. Does the company guarantee its service in writing?

  • Ask the representative for a written warranty statement before signing a contract.

8. Is the sales person pressuring you?

  • Sales people who insist that you must sign now to get the terms of their present offer are not acting in your best interest. A legitimate company does not rely on high pressure sales tactics to get your business.

Get The Answers

Crime Intervention Alarm is ready to answer your questions and help you find the right security system for your needs. Start by getting a free assessment of your home today!

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